
Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or requests:





6 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I’ve been cooking more for Persian wifey (a Reshti) and myself (American) after her job responsibilities and age seems to have worn her down. Betty Crocker has never made a good impression with her, so over time I’ve had to up my game. Now armed with several new Le Creucet (French) Dutch Ovens, I plan to blow the roof off of this place with your lovingly, well presented recipes!
    Thank You-

    • That’s awesome!!! Nothing more attractive than a man cooking for his wife (especially an American making Persian food)!!! Aren’t Le Creucet pots the best?! I make all my Khorests in the their dutch oven. You have to let me know how she likes it!

  2. Have you heard of the Liebster award? It’s given to blogs with a small following to help them get more views. I really enjoy reading your blog and just received the award myself, I have nominated you for the next award. If you would like to accept the award then please read my blog post for more info. Look forward to reading more of your posts.
    —- Sara @ Sweet Dash of Sass

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